The Google Analytics Academy offers all their courses for free.

The course is completely free! The Google Analytics Academy offers all their courses for free. You do have to answer a basic survey and have a Google account but other than taking the time out to take the survey and to open a Google account the cost is nothing.

Google has awarded over 30,000 certificates of completion for their new Google Analytics Academy! The new course is the ideal offering for online marketeers that want to have a better understanding of the technical aspect of online marketing. Read More

Is T.rex really a chicken today

Ant & T.rex Fact: Prehistoric ants about 2 inches long living in the United States and Europe (Germany) about 50 million years ago

In the Carboniferous, oxygen levels reached a high of 35% and ants had more oxygen back then. As oxygen levels deceased so did the size of ants.

While there is no direct evidence for Tyrannosaurus rex having had feathers, many scientists now consider it likely that T. rex had feathers on at least parts of its body. So as oxygen level deceased is T.rex really a chicken today?