CTE Breakthrough Could Forever Change Football

Sports like football, hockey, rugby or soccer run some level of risk, and that it is cumulative exposure to head hits, not only concussions, that is most critical.

Repeated Head Hits, Not Just Concussions, May Lead To A Type Of Chronic Brain Damage:

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Did you ever feel sorry for the Gladiators that died in the stadiums years ago just for the sport of the audience? They gave up their lives for wealth and fame. Eaten alive by lions or beating the living daylights out of each other for a big HIP HIP Parade!

Delaware may be stopping football in grade schools. New Studies came out this week showing contact sports of any kind can cause (CTE) permanent brain damage. And only a few bangs of the head can cause it. No concussion is needed to get CTE.

Would a star of football continue knowing this? Some are bailing out and some would not give up playing the game for nothing! Some states are spending millions of dollars building new stadiums just for the sport. It looks like a waste of money to me.

We have homeless people living in the woods across the nation. Many of them are veterans that fought for our freedom. Why are stadiums being built when housing for the homeless is more important? Read more News